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Forbes-featured inventor to lead Hazleton LaunchBox webinar

Frances Prado, creator of ‘Hanging Gardens’ lingerie organizer, to talk about how to patent an invention

HAZLETON, Pa. — An inventor featured in Forbes and on HSN (Home Shopping Network) for creating and patenting a lingerie organizer will discuss ideas and innovation in a Spanish-language webinar hosted by the Hazleton LaunchBox on Friday, July 31.

Frances Prado, chief executive and co-founder of Ageless Beautiful Clever Creations LLC, will break down her own experiences in what can be a daunting process of patenting an invention. She will explain how to generate an idea, turn the idea into a prototype, protect the idea and finally, how to patent it.

Prado is recognized nationally for developing “Hanging Secrets,” an organizer that hangs in the closet and protects bras and lingerie from getting damaged or worn out.

She is among only a small percentage of sole female inventors to ever be awarded a U.S. patent.

The webinar, presented in Spanish only, runs from 7 to 8 p.m. on Friday, July 31, and can be viewed at this link.

Prior to inventing “Hanging Secrets,” Prado spent more than 20 years as an executive for Costco. A married mother of two, Prado was born in Bakersville, California, after her parents immigrated to the U.S. in 1963.